Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The paper complies with the Publication Standards of the REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE SALUD PÚBLICA, in accordance with the Recommendations for the preparation, presentation of reports, editing and publication of academic works in medical journals, prepared by the International Committee of Editors of Medical Journals (
- The paper complies with the Ethical Code of the REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE SALUD PÚBLICA (
- The paper has not been previously published nor is it for consideration by another journal.
- The cover letter of the paper will be included.
- A PDF file will be included with the signatures of all the authors, expressing their acceptance and agreement with the content of the paper.
- A Microsoft Word or similar file will be included with the First Page of the paper, which indicates: title of the paper; paper title in English; authors; affiliations (with city and country); authorship contributions; ORCID identifiers (if any); declaration of conflicts of interest; funding (if any); name, postal address and correspondence email.
- A Microsoft Word or similar file (OpenOffice, RTF) will be included with the text of the paper.
- The text of the paperis composed with Calibri font (preferably), with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size; use italics instead of quotation marks (except for direct quotes); images and tables are provided in a separate document rather than within the text or at the end of the text (although their appropriate position is noted); references to bibliography are indicated with Arabic numbers in parentheses and attached to the word that precedes them.
- The Bibliography follows the indications in this regard of the Publication Standards of the REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE SALUD PÚBLICA (pages 7 to 11).
- The Figures (images or illustrations) are in TIFF (preferred) or JPG format at a minimum resolution of 300 PPI (pixels per inch), being sharp and not blurry.
- The Tables are provided in Excel (preferred) or editable Word format, not as an image.
- The Bibliography provides access URLs to the source whenever it is available.
- The text of the paper does not exceed the maximum number of pages stipulated according to its type in the Publication Standards of the REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE SALUD PÚBLICA.
- The First Page of the paper includes a Summary (structured or unstructured, as appropriate) and an Abstract plus title in English (structured or unstructured, as appropriate). It also incorporates keywords (according to DeCS: and keywords in English (according to MeSH:
Cartas a la dirección
In general, this section will publish comments related to works published in the journal during the previous four months, or in relation to topics addressed in said articles, or on other topics of great relevance and current relevance in Public Health and Health Administration. Its maximum length will be 2 pages in a Microsoft Word or similar file, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size, and will not have more than 2 tables or figures. Bibliography greater than ten citations will not be included. The number of authors should not be greater than 6. No abstract should be included.
Colaboraciones especiales
These are papers that, without being included in the Originals, Brief Originals or Revisions categories, provide novel analysis and knowledge. Sections other than the IMRAD scheme (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussions) may appear to facilitate its understanding. Your text will have a maximum length of 15 pages in a Microsoft Word file or similar, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size. The summary must not be structured and a maximum of 35 bibliographical references are recommended (in no case will it be greater than 100).
Editorials are special articles, or the review of topics of special interest that are published at the request of the Editorial Committee of the REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE SALUD PÚBLICA (Spanish Journal of Public Health) or upon request of the interested authors if the Editorial Committee considers it appropriate. Editorials are not subject to peer review. The texts will have a maximum length of 2 pages in a Microsoft Word or similar file, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size. Up to 20 bibliographical references and no more than 1 table or figure. No summary should be included.
In Memoriam
Obituaries of relevant people in the fields of the REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE SALUD PÚBLICA.
Jornadas científicas
Summaries of scientific conferences held at the Spanish Ministry of Health or other collaborating institutions.
Notas de campo
Esta sección tiene como objetivo recoger experiencias de la práctica profesional en Salud Pública y de la Administración Sanitaria, siempre que las mismas puedan aportar conocimientos novedosos o relevantes sobre la materia tratada. Su texto tendrá una extensión máxima de 4 páginas en un archivo de Microsoft Word o similar, con un interlineado de 1,5 líneas y cuerpo de letra 12, y un máximo de una tabla o figura. Las referencias bibliográficas serán 10 como máximo e incluirá un resumen no estructurado con un máximo de 150 palabras.
Opinion article on a relevant topic in the field of Public Health. It must be provided in a Microsoft Word or similar file, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size. There is no extension limit but the REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE SALUD PÚBLICA reserves the right to request smaller versions of it. A brief unstructured summary must be provided.
Intended for the presentation of original research results that have not been previously published or presented at the same time in any other medium, except in the form of a communication or poster at scientific meetings. Nor will communications that have been published in the supplements of scientific journals about meetings of these characteristics be included. The text of the original articles will be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussions. This structure, which is known as IMRAD, reflects the process of scientific discovery. Your text will have a maximum length of 12 pages in a Microsoft Word or similar file, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size. A maximum of 6 tables and 6 figures will be accepted. The works will include a structured summary (and abstract in English) and a maximum of 35 bibliographical references are recommended.
Originales breves
Intended for the presentation of original research results that have not been previously published or presented at the same time in any other medium, except in the form of a communication or poster at scientific meetings. Nor will communications that have been published in the supplements of scientific journals about meetings of these characteristics be included. The text of the original articles will be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussions. This structure, which is known as IMRAD, reflects the process of scientific discovery. Your text will have a maximum length of 12 pages in a Microsoft Word or similar file, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size. A maximum of 3 tables and/or figures will be accepted together.. The works will include a structured summary (and abstract in English) and a maximum of 35 bibliographical references are recommended.
Pensamiento crítico
This section aims to encourage a critical reading of scientific studies and the acquisition of critical and skeptical thinking that contributes to improving the quality of the studies we publish and increasing their usefulness for decision-making in Public Health. Furthermore, it aims to serve to reflect on the foundations of Public Health and to conceptually address basic areas such as epidemiology, sociology, anthropology or economics, among others. Articles will be accepted in which the author(s) express their reasoned position on these matters, with a maximum length of 15 pages in a Microsoft Word file or similar, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size. with a maximum of 3 tables or figures. Furthermore, it is recommended that bibliographic references do not exceed 30 and that a summary not be included.
Short articles of analysis and opinion, in which a vision is given from professional practice of the different areas of Public Health. Your text will have a maximum length of 4 pages in a Microsoft Word file or similar, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size.
Píldoras científicas
Short summaries of current scientific evidence related to Public Health, published in prestigious international scientific journals. Your text will have a maximum length of 1 page in a Microsoft Word file or similar, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size.
Research protocols from studies carried out recently or that will be carried out in the year of submission are included. Your text will have a maximum length of 12 pages in a Microsoft Word file or similar, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size. The maximum number of bibliographic references is recommended to be 30. You must include a structured summary of 150 to 250 words. It will be necessary to include the following sections: Introduction, Subjects and Methods or Material and Methods, Ethical Considerations and Discussion.
Reseñas bibliográficas
Brief summary and analysis of the content of a book or report recently published in the field of Public Health or Health Administration. The texts will have a maximum length of 2 pages in a Microsoft Word or similar file, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size, and up to 20 bibliographic references. The first page must include: the authors (maximum 2), the title of the book or report, the place of publication, the publisher, the ISBN, the legal deposit, the number of pages and, if necessary, the link Web. Book reviews are not peer reviewed.
This section include systematic, bibliographic reviews, meta-analysis or meta-synthesis. They will be carried out on relevant and current topics. Reviewed articles will not be dated
older than 10 years, unless justified. The text will be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussions. This structure, which is known as IMRAD, reflects the process of scientific discovery. It will have a maximum length of 15 pages in a Microsoft Word or similar file, with 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size. A maximum of 6 tables and 6 figures will be admitted. The maximum number of recommended bibliographic references will be 100. They must follow the criteria of the Prism Declaration for systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Copyright Notice
La propiedad intelectual de los trabajos aceptados será de sus autores/as y podrán ser reproducidos total o parcialmente con la única condición de citar a la Revista Española de Salud Pública como referencia de la publicación original. No se aceptarán trabajos publicados anteriormente en ningún formato o presentados al mismo tiempo en otra revista.