Caring for people living with HIV in the Colombian Health System: patients, caregivers and health workers perspectives




HIV, Treatment adherence and compliance, AIDS-Related opportunistic infections, Health services accessibility, Barriers to Access of health services, Physician-patient relations, Health status disparities, Health systems


BACKGROUND // Health policies and programs for people living with HIV have been subordinated to current economic policies based on the neoliberal development model that shapes the current healthcare system. The study’s objective was to analyze the influence of the Colombian health system on the care of people who lived with HIV enrolled in the Subsidized Regime through Benefit Plan Administrating Entities and treated in Neiva (Colombia).
METHODS // A qualitative study framed within the framework of the Critical Discourse Analysis was conducted. Nineteen people participated, including HIV patients, non-formal caregivers, and health workers. The participants were recruited from two Health Service Providers Institutions in the city of Neiva. In-depth interviews were conducted. Data were coded, categorized and organized in Excel for analysis.
RESULTS // The interpersonal relationship and the health system functioning were two phenomena that interfered with caring for people with HIV by favoring or imposing barriers to practices. Failures were found in the informative-educational process from the moment of diagnosis, stigmatization, and discrimination, particularly in non-HIV-specialized health institutions, and multiple barriers to access to health services. 55.5% of the patients expressed having been discriminated against by health personnel at some point since their diagnosis. Only 22.2% resorted to filing complaints, rights of petition or tutelas to claim their right to health.
CONCLUSIONS // Health care praxis is carried out regardless of patients’ situation, forgetting that those from a lower socioeconomic level have greater structural vulnerability related to poverty. The lack of healthcare exacerbates health inequalities.


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How to Cite

Troche Gutierrez IY. Caring for people living with HIV in the Colombian Health System: patients, caregivers and health workers perspectives: e202403020. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 11 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];98:13 páginas. Available from: