Evaluation of the strategy of parental support at Primary Health care as a reinforcement of the online course ‘Gaining health and wellbeing from birth to three’
Early prevention, Parental support, Organizational research, Primary health care, Social paediatrics, Positive parentingAbstract
Background: E-parenting is an opportunity to provide parental support as a universal prevention strategy. This study analysed the extent to which the promotion actions improve universal use of the online course ‘Positive parenting: Gaining health and wellbeing from birth to three’ (GH&W) (http://aulaparentalidad-msssi.com/) at the primary care centers.
Methods: The profile of participants and the adherence to the course in a national sample of families using the GH&W course were compared with another Canarian sample distributed in three groups: only GH&W (level 1), GH&W + face-to-face group activities (level 2), and users who also received individual support in the medical checking (level 3). It was carried out in 20 health centers on the islands of Tenerife and Gran Canaria randomly assigned to one of the three levels. Participants were 175 national parental figures and 160 parental figures users of the Canary Health Service, both with children from 0 to 3 years. The sociodemographic profile and the completion rate of the GH&W were registered, as well as a template of implementation quality indicators for innovative experiences. To compare the sociodemographic profile differences between groups, a Chi-square contingency analysis with standardized residuals was performed.
Results: Compared to the national sample mainly of high educational level, primiparous mothers and 14% completion, the Canarian sample attracted different educational levels and multiparous mothers, with a higher completion rate at levels 2 and 3 (62.5% and 67.5%) than at level 1 (38.5%).
Conclusions: The universal use of the course and its adherence improve due to the inclusion of face-to-face activities. The implementation process in the selected health centers satisfactorily meets the quality indicators of an innovative initiative.
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