Cross sectional study of odontological incidences on board the spanish Navy flagship Juan Carlos I during its first international peacekeeping mission



  • Luis Megino Blasco Comandante Odontólogo, Jefe del Servicio de Odontología del Arsenal Militar de Cartagena. Ministerio de Defensa. Cartagena. España.
  • José Manuel Granero Marín Vicedecano Director de Grado de Odontología, Profesor responsable de Patología y Terapéutica Dental. Universidad Católica de San Antonio (UCAM). Murcia. España.


Dentistry, Healthcare, Military healthcare, Military dentistry, Naval dentistry, Dental pathology, Oral health


BACKGROUND // Oral health is an essential component of the general well-being and quality of life of the population. In Spain, access to dental services and emergency dental care for civilians is relatively straightforward. However, this is not the case for military personnel, especially those deployed on Navy ships that lack dental capabilities and in isolated areas where access to specialized healthcare services is complex and risky. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence and management of dental pathology among Spanish military personnel aboard the LHD 61 Juan Carlos I during its first International Peacekeeping Operation.
METHODS // A descriptive observational study was conducted on the accumulated incidences of dental pathology and treatments performed between May 1 and June 26, 2018. The population sample consisted of 448 Spanish military personnel aboard the ship. The data were obtained from the databases of the dental activity logbook and the military statistical and health data management systems, which serve to assess the actual health status of the force.
RESULTS // A total of 70 patients were treated for dental problems, with gingivitis and caries being the most prevalent conditions, accounting for 23.07% and 18.68% of cases, respectively. The most common treatments performed were dental reconstructions/fillings, making up 40% of the total, and tartar removal, accounting for 21%.
CONCLUSIONS // Understanding the incidence of dental pathologies on Spanish Navy ships allows us to establish the training needs of the onboard medical personnel, as well as determine the material resources that should be provided to naval units. Prevention plans and pre-deployment dental check-ups should be conducted well in advance to address any dental issues on land before personnel are deployed.


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How to Cite

Megino Blasco L, Granero Marín JM. Cross sectional study of odontological incidences on board the spanish Navy flagship Juan Carlos I during its first international peacekeeping mission : e202408045. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 27 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];98:11 páginas. Available from:



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