Hospitals as promoters of smokeless spaces: strategies aimed at smoking control
Hospital, Promotion, Tobacco, Smoke-freeAbstract
The objective of this study was to describe the measures introduced at the Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, aimed at achieving a smoke-free environment, and encouraging research, training, and clinical approaches with respect to smoking. The experience gained as a center attached to the Catalan Network of Smokeless Hospitals since 2002 shows that preventing and controlling smoking requires a specific agenda developed by a competent committee comprising workers from all hospital areas. Likewise, coordination with other centers in the network is essential as it permits the sharing of experiences. The involvement of hospital management is critical for the effective introduction of health protection and promotion strategies, both in workers and in users. The raising of awareness and the ongoing training of all health workers and coordination with other health care providers in the health network are the main aspects that require strengthening in the future.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2020 Guillermo Mena, Irma Casas, María Esteve, Isabel Andrés, María Boldó, Ángel Caballero, Francesc Chía, Ignasi García-Olivé, Rosa-María Guerola, Irene Jiménez, Ramón López, Alicia-Elena Melero, Anna Moreno, Esther Roca, Laura Rodríguez, Araceli Sánchez, Roser Soler, Anna Valentí Armengol
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