COVID-19: exploring the familiar terrain
In 2006, theoretical physicist Brian Greene ended an interview with the New York Times by stating that “exploring the unknown requires tolerance for uncertainty”. In the misinformation pandemic that we are currently experiencing, managing uncertainty has become a challenge for the entire population of the planet. In the new world scenario, physical interaction has been largely replaced by digital contact. It is the greater exposure to networks and media of various kinds that causes misinformation and fear to make their way without too much difficulty in a situation of uncertainty. Since the first case of COVID-19 pneumonia (SARS-CoV-2) occurred in China, around 115,000 people have died and almost three million infected cases have been detected in the world. But also, in just over three months, we know much more about this pathogen thanks to the scientific community and very drastic prevention, containment and mitigation measures have been taken by the governments of many countries. The objective of this document is to summarize aspects already demonstrated that, in the opinion of the authors, represent very interesting starting points to think that the exploration of what is known is also a good strategy to reduce uncertainty.
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