Attitudes and social images regarding colorectal cancer screening. An exploratory approach through discussion groups




Colorectal cancer, Screening, Hidden Blood Test, Health programs, Early detection, Population attitudes


BACKGROUND // The screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) through the fecal occult blood test (FOBT) has achieved high implementation in Spain, although participation rates are still not optimal. At the same time, available data show significant differences in participation both among autonomous communities and among different sociodemographic groups, which raises various equity issues. This study aimed to conduct an exploratory analysis from a qualitative perspective on the attitudes, perceptions, and social images that the target population for colorectal cancer screenings holded regarding them, as well as the barriers and areas for improvement identified through these.
METHODS // This study was designed using a qualitative research approach, through the conduct of four focus groups in May 2022, with a total of twenty-six participants (equal number of men and women) aged fifty to sixty-nine years. The participants were residents of the Community of Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia, and the Basque Country (in both large and small cities), with varying educational levels and different previous experiences of participation in the CRC screening program.
RESULTS // Different conceptualizations of prevention were identified, but none that encompassed cancer (especially colorectal cancer) as an element to be incorporated into daily practices since its occurrence is primarily associated with chance. In addition to the lack of knowledge about CRC compared to other types of cancer (such as breast or prostate cancer), various attitudinal barriers to participation in the CRC screening program were perceived. These included the rejection of being part of the older age group (targeted by the test), fear of waiting for the results, lack of reliability, or the sense of being able to postpone the moment.
CONCLUSIONS // This study highlights the need for interventions aimed at promoting the attitude with which the invitation to participate is received and interpreted. It also emphasizes the importance of incorporating colon cancer into the dominant framework of concerns, raising awareness about the significance of early detection, and addressing potential sources of inequity. These interventions should address the broader conceptualization of the role of prevention observed among individuals with higher cultural capital and the greater normalization of screening programs found among women due to their previous experience with breast cancer screening.


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How to Cite

de Haro Gázquez D, Fernández Sánchez B, Amador Muñoz ML. Attitudes and social images regarding colorectal cancer screening. An exploratory approach through discussion groups: e202308063. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];97:16 páginas. Available from: