Lights and shadows of the 2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice



  • Enrique Martín-Rioboó Médico de Familia; Unidad de Gestión Clínica Poniente; Distrito Universitario Córdoba-Guadalquivir; Departamento de Medicina; Universidad de Córdoba. / IMIBIC; Hospital Reina Sofía. Córdoba. España.
  • Carlos Brotons-Cuixart Médico de familia; Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Sant Pau; Equipo de Atención Primaria Sardenya. Barcelona. España.
  • Antonio Ruiz García Médico de familia; Universidad Europea de Madrid. / Director del Centro de Salud Universitario Pinto; Unidad de Lípidos y Prevención Cardiovascular. Pinto (Madrid). España.
  • Fátima Villafañe Sanz Médico especialista en Medicina familiar y comunitaria. Centro de Salud Pisuerga. Arroyo de la Encomienda (Valladolid). España.
  • Manuel Frías Vargas Médico de Familia; Centro de Salud San Andrés. / Departamento de Medicina; Facultad de Medicina; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid. España.
  • Ana Moyá Amengual Médico del trabajo; Centro de Salud Sta. Catalina. Palma de Mallorca. España.
  • Juan Antonio Divisón Garrote Médico de Atención Primaria; Centro de Salud de Casas Ibáñez. Albacete. España. / Facultad de Medicina; Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM). Murcia. España.
  • María Cruz Seoane Vicente Médico de familia; Centro de Salud Almoradi; Departamento Orihuela. Orihuela (Alicante). España.
  • José R. Banegas Departamento de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública y Microbiología; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. / CIBERESP. Madrid. España.
  • Vicente Pallarés Carratalá Médico de familia; Unidad de Vigilancia de la Salud; Unión de Mutuas. / Departamento de Medicina; Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Universitat Jaume I. Castellón. España.


Vascular disease, Vascular risk factors, Vascular risk, Risk scales, Risk prediction, Residual risk, Clinical practice guidelines, Competitive risk


General practitioners see in their consultation a a significant number of patients at high vascular risk (VR). The European Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention (2021) recommend a new risk classification and intervention strategies on on vascular risk factors (RF), with the aim of providing a shared decision-making recommendations between professionals and patients. In this document we present a critical analysis of these guidelines, offering possible solutions that can be implemented in Primary Care.

It should be noted that there are positive aspects (lights) such as that the SCORE2 (from forty to sixty-nine years) and SCORE2-OP models (from seventy to eighty-nine years) are based on more current cohorts and measure cardiovascular risk in a more accurately manner. In addition, it is proposed to differentiate different risk thresholds according to age-groups. For sake of practicality, cardiovascular risk can be estimated using different websites with the new computer models. However, among the negative aspects (shadows), it seems to be add complexity implementing nine subgroups of subjects according to their age or level of risk, with a defined thresholds that could cause a substantial increase in the potential number of subjects susceptible to treatment without a clear evidence that supports it. In addition, two-step RF interventions could delay achievement of therapeutic goals, especially in very high-risk patients, diabetics, or patients with cardiovascular disease.

Given these limitations, in this document we propose practical recommendations in order to simplify and facilitate the implementation of the guideline in primary care.


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How to Cite

Martín-Rioboó E, Brotons-Cuixart C, Ruiz García A, Villafañe Sanz F, Frías Vargas M, Moyá Amengual A, et al. Lights and shadows of the 2021 ESC Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice: e202308064. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 17];97:19 páginas. Available from:



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