Compassionate culture in addressing polio in healthcare settings. The spanish case (1940-1970)



  • Rosa Ballester Catedrática emérita de Historia de la Ciencia; Universidad Miguel Hernández. Elche. España.


Poliomyelitis, Compassion, Iron lungs, Kenny method, 20th century, Spain


The presence of epidemic outbreaks of poliomyelitis in the initial and central decades of the last century constituted an important Public Health problem due to the absence of effective treatments because it preferentially affected children, in environments with acceptable levels of health, and the fear of the paralytic sequelae. This work attempted to reconstruct some of the responses that were given in the Spanish state, both in professional health settings and from alternative heterodox approaches such as the Kenny method, taking as a reference axis the compassionate culture that was behind the development of the measures. adopted and their critical analysis, in the period before the implementation of anti-polio vaccines.


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How to Cite

Ballester R. Compassionate culture in addressing polio in healthcare settings. The spanish case (1940-1970): e202402009. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 19 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];98:11 páginas. Available from:



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