Milk donation and pandemic: human milk as a global good
Breastfeeding, Donation, Human milk, Breast milk, Altruism, Mother, Mother-child relations, Gender, Feminism, PandemicAbstract
The human milk donation has been an undervalued and very biasedly examined subject until relatively recently, in comparison with other types of human donation (organs, tissues, fluids), not being recognized its dimension of bodily altruistic and philanthropic act in the same way as other (mildly) analogous realities, as well as in its approach from the perspective of feminist and gender studies.
On the other hand, although the COVID-19 pandemic and the various lockdown processes have had an onerous impact on human breastfeeding in general, we find data on the global increase in breastfeeding donation as a specific altruistic gesture during the pandemic in Spain and, even, on the decisions in the most complicated moments of the state of alarm about donating one’s own milk in the tragedy of perinatal death. These altruistic donations contribute to carrying out the fulfillment of what has already been declared a human right and one of the social investments with the most advantageous cost-benefit index. The recognized, intensified and amplified need for milk banks in a pandemic brings to the fore in a specific way the condition of human milk as capital physiological resource, and, ultimately, as a global good.
This article is dedicated to delving into a critical hermeneutics of milk donation in light of the pandemic and as an opportunity to rethink the studies of recent decades in this regard.
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