Response to article "Lean Six Sigma in the implementation of automated dispensing systems: improving the safe use of medication in thoracic surgery"




Errores de medicación, Seguridad del paciente, Lean Seis Sigma, Sistema automatizado de dispensación, Dispensación de medicación, Almacenaje de medicación, Preparación de medicación, Administración de medicación, Gestión de la calidad


We recently read with interest the manuscript by Syria Pablos, José Manuel Caro and Candelas López, entitled Lean Six Sigma in the implementation of automated dispensing systems: better safe use of medication in thoracic surgery (https://ojs.sanidad.gob. es/index.php/resp/article/view/295), where despite showing important data it seems to us that some other variables could have been taken into account. For example, in the preparation/administration phase, the five correct ones that according to the World Health Organization (WHO) should be considered are very important for the pharmacological induction process, which are: the correct medication; the right patient; the correct dosage; the correct time; and the correct route of administration .

We must keep in mind that the five correct ones also serve to inform the patient about the medication that is administered, reviewing and recording the primary sources, in order to obtain a complete pharmacological history, and subsequently, appropriately dilute the medication, use the indicated supplies, apply biosafety measures and consider the infusion time, to provide greater safety to the patient and thus reduce medication errors.


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Pablos B, Caro T, López L, Carro R, Guede G y Ferrari P. Lean Seis Sigma en la implantación de sistemas automatizados de dispensación: mejora del uso seguro del medicamento en cirugía torácica [internet]. Revista Española de Salud Pública. [consultado el 25 de mayo del 2022]. 96(1): e1-e14 12 de abril 2022. Disponible en:

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How to Cite

Gonzales Manrique AC, Sandoval Tipian JJ, Llanco Albornoz LA. Response to article "Lean Six Sigma in the implementation of automated dispensing systems: improving the safe use of medication in thoracic surgery": e202211087. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 22 [cited 2024 Sep. 27];96:2 páginas. Available from:



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