Development of the Agreement of the Council of Ministers approving instructions to update the catalogue of medical causes of exclusion in access to public employment



  • Ana Koerting Plan Nacional sobre el Sida. Ministerio de Sanidad. Madrid. España. / Técnico superior externo TRAGSATEC. Madrid. España.
  • Santiago Alfonso Asociación de Pacientes de Psoriasis y Familiares “Acción Psoriasis”. España.
  • Ramón Espacio Coordinadora Estatal del VIH y Sida (CESIDA). Madrid. España.
  • Alejandra Fernández Federación de Asociaciones de Celiacos de España (FACE). Madrid. España.
  • Julio Gómez Trabajando en Positivo. Red Española de Organizaciones Por la inserción laboral de personas que viven con el VIH. España.
  • Mercedes Maderuelo Federación Española de Diabetes (FEDE). Madrid. España.
  • Mª Teresa Martínez de Marigorta Dirección General de la Función Pública. Secretaría de Estado de Función Pública. Madrid. España.
  • Juan Diego Ramos Federación estatal de lesbianas, gais, trans y bisexuales (FELGTB).
  • Julia del Amo Plan Nacional sobre el Sida. Ministerio de Sanidad. Madrid. España.


HIV, Stigma, Discrimination, Public Function


The Agreement of the Council of Ministers of November 30, 2018 approving instructions to eliminate certain medical causes of exclusion in access to public employment, such as HIV, diabetes, celiac disease and psoriasis, has meant an important advance in the protection of the labor rights of people in these conditions. Since then, the tables of medical exclusions have been revised and modified for the National Police, National Police, the Civil Guard, the Customs Surveillance Corps, the Corps of Penitentiary Institutions Assistants, the Military Training Centers, the Training Centers, for the incorporation to the Troops and Marines scales and the National School of Police. In addition, the repeal of the Orders of the National Police (Order of January 11, 1988) and the regulatory modification of the Civil Guard (Order PCI/155/2019) guarantee that the diagnosis of HIV, diabetes, celiac disease and psoriasis, will continue without being an impediment for access to the National Police and the Civil Guard in the calls for the next exercises. So, that the mere diagnosis of a disease such as HIV, diabetes, celiac disease and psoriasis will not be a generic cause for exclusion from public employment, but will take into account medical advances and existing scientific evidence, as well as the health situation of each person.


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2021-11-03 — Updated on 2021-11-03


How to Cite

Koerting A, Alfonso S, Espacio R, Fernández A, Gómez J, Maderuelo M, et al. Development of the Agreement of the Council of Ministers approving instructions to update the catalogue of medical causes of exclusion in access to public employment: e202111184. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 3 [cited 2024 May 20];95:6 páginas. Available from:

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