Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 cases in the Almería health district
Epidemiology, COVID-19, Intrafamily transmission, Clinical characteristics, Case fatality rate, Prevention and control measuresAbstract
Background: It is necessary to know epidemiological data of the current Covid-19 pandemic by health areas for its best control. The aim is to describe the epidemiological characteristics of the Covid-19 cases in the Almería Health District until June 21st 2020 and the preventive and control measures carried out.
Methods: Descriptive study of variables: sex, age, if they were health, social health personnel or any other personnel considered essential, history of previous trips, if they were institutionalized, date of declaration, clinical situation and variables related to severity, history of risk factors or underlying health conditions. Information sources: disease declaration files, and epidemiological surveys. Frequencies and percentages, cumulative incidence, and case fatality rates were calculated.
Results: 382 confirmed cases were reported, cumulative incidence of 126.65 for all the studied period of time. The average age was 52 years. 54.7% were women, 37.8% corresponded to workers in health and social health centers. The percentage of confirmed cases in families was 42,7%, with a 19.3% of secondary cases, 48.8% was related to previous trips. 83.8% of non-hospitalized women presented asthenia, and 85% of men, fever and general discomfort. Men presented a higher percentage of hospitalization (37.1%), ICU admissions (6.9%) and case fatality rate (6.4%). 27.1% of the cases were institutionalized people. The case fatality rate in nursing homes was 16.4%.
Conclusions: There has been a low incidence of COVID-19, with high intra-family transmission, greater severity in men, and low case fatality rate, the most affected groups being women who work in health and social-health centers, institutionalized people and people related to a previous trip. The prevention and control measures carried out, together with the confinement, would have helped prevent further spread of the virus.
Key words: Epidemiol
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- 2021-10-21 (2)
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