Is loneliness the future geriatric syndrome of the 21st century?



  • Yanira Aranda Rubio F.E.A. del Servicio de Geriatría, Hospital Universitario Central de la Cruz Roja, San José y Santa Adela. Profesora asociada de la Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio. Madrid. España.


Loneliness, Aging


The aging of the world population is now an unquestionable fact. The World Health Organization (WHO) points out in its World Report on Aging and Health published in 2015 two main causes: the increase in life expectancy and the decrease in fertility rates. The United Nations (UN) announced that Spain will become the oldest country in the world in 2050, with 44% of citizens over 60 years of age and the median age of 55.2 years. Whether this event is interpreted optimistically or as a demographic problem will depend on the quality of the years of life gained.


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How to Cite

Aranda Rubio Y. Is loneliness the future geriatric syndrome of the 21st century? e202409047. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 3 [cited 2024 Sep. 30];98:3 páginas. Available from:



