The approach to suicide: review of the autonomic strategies for its intervention



  • Noelia Navarro Gómez Universidad de Almería. Almería. España.


Suicide, Prevention, Mental health


Background: Suicide is one of the most pressing problems worldwide, one of the main social challenges. In Spain, suicide mortality is the leading cause of external death, maintaining the suicide rate relatively stable or even increasing in some age groups in a context in which the mortality of the population due to external causes follows a decreasing trend. Despite the alarming figures, in Spain there is no National Plan for Suicide Prevention, being the main initiatives to address this problem of regional or local court. The objective of the present study was to present the state of the matter regarding the approach to suicide in Spain.
Methods: A review was carried out in the main search engines, both general (Google) and specialized (Psicodoc, Psicyinfo), introducing several key words. The results were filtered excluding local court initiatives, incorporating interventions at the community level. Their content was analyzed and the foundations of each strategy were presented.
Results: A total of 22 interventions were found in 16 autonomous communities (all except Murcia).
Conclusions: We can conclude the serious lack of treatment related to this problem. For the most part, strategies for working suicide are incorporated into Mental Health plans. The need to continue working on the design of effective and comprehensive interventions, focused on prevention that address the phenomenon from a multidisciplinary approach, specifically focused on the problem, is evident.


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How to Cite

Navarro Gómez N. The approach to suicide: review of the autonomic strategies for its intervention: e202005036. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2020 May 25 [cited 2024 Nov. 16];94:8 páginas. Available from:



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