Benefits of early social transition in transgender minors. Family perspectives: qualitative study
Parenting, Family relations, Child, Child behavior, Child development, Child welfare, Transgender persons, Health services for transgender persons, Early social transition, Person-centered careAbstract
BACKGROUND // The term trans brings together all transgender identities. The early social transition towards the affirmed gender has benefits in the child’s development. For families, transit is a period of great uncertainty, requiring support aimed at families of trans minors. The aim of this paper was to explore the needs and experiencies of parents and close-relatives who supported the social transition of their children.
METHODS // We worked with focus groups of functional families of transgender minors who had begun the transition (n=14), with a medium-high educational level and who belonged to urban areas of Tenerife. Through a semi-structured interview, they commented on their experiences in the process of supporting the social transition of their children. The data was recorded in a video recording and processed through content analysis and categorization.
RESULTS // Early social transition had positive and immediate benefits on child development as well as in the reduction of anxiety. There was a general improvement in mood, self-esteem, and social and family relationships. The accompaniment of specialists and associations helped in the different social situations and favoured resilience.
CONCLUSIONS // Early social transition is positive in the personal and socio-family sphere of the minor. To improve their resilience, families demand accompaniment in this process, as well as meeting other trans people who serve as transpositive references. In addition, they point out the need for specific training in health professionals.
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Copyright (c) 2023 M. Elisa de Castro Peraza, Nieves-Doria Lorenzo Rocha, Jesús M. García Acosta, Olga Díez Fernández, Natalia Rodríguez Novo , Azzay Pérez Ramos, Ana M. Perdomo Hernández, Javier Castro Molina
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