Ethical, legal and social issues publications on biobanks 2011-2018. A scoping review.



  • Violeta Argudo-Portal Departamento de Psicología Social. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona. España.
  • Miquel Domènech Departamento de Psicología Social. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Barcelona. España.


Biobank, Scoping review, ELSI, Social science, Translational medicine, Public engagement, Gift giving, Tissue donors, Informed consent, Data curation


Background: Human-based biobanks have been presented as intermediary agents between donors/participants, the scientific community, the healthcare system, and patients. The objective of this systematic review was to contribute with an updated thematic synthesis in Spanish of the international literature (2011-2018) regarding ethical, legal, and social issues on contemporary biobanks.
Methods: A scoping review and thematic analysis were carried out on biobanks’ ethical, legal, and social issues. The following databases were searched: Web of Science, SciELO, and Dialnet. The review included 2011-2018 publications with the term “biobank” or “biobanco” in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.
Results: A total of 153 publications were analyzed. The most published themes were: informed consent, biobanks as a scientific tool, other ethical issues, public engagement, and regulation. While documents published in English provide studies with a broader anthropologic approach and display the participatory turn, in Spanish a technical approach is more common.
Conclusions: Publications confirm and support biobanks’ relevance in current and future biomedical research, but also illustrate the entanglement of a diverse range of healthcare institutions and relations. Biobanks’ techno-scientific issues cannot be split from the ethical, legal, and social ones or place them as secondary; all of them are co-produced. This review points to current topics and challenges which need to be addressed to establish transparent, accountable, dynamic, and trust-worthy biobanks.


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How to Cite

Argudo-Portal V, Domènech M. Ethical, legal and social issues publications on biobanks 2011-2018. A scoping review.: e202006031. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];94:18 páginas. Available from:



