Impact of COVID-19 on social and health centers



  • Pilar Gallego Berciano Área de análisis de vigilancia epidemiológica (infecciones relacionadas con la asistencia sanitaria). Centro Nacional de Epidemiología. CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP). Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid. España.


COVID-19, Socio-health centers


Pilar Gallego, responsible for surveillance of healthcare-related infections (HAI) at the National Epidemiology Center. Pilar Gallego has participated in the European Survey on the Prevalence of HAIs in long-stay social and healthcare centers, environments with a great contribution to the development of infections that have an impact not only on the resident population but on society as a whole.

A broad review of the impact of COVID-19 in social and health centers has been carried out and a reflection has been made on the surveillance and comparability of data in this environment.


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How to Cite

Gallego Berciano P. Impact of COVID-19 on social and health centers: perspectivas2_gallego. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2020 May 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];94:8 páginas. Available from:





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