Adherence to mediterranean diet and its associated factors in adolescents from Madrid



  • Laura Sánchez-Rodríguez Hospital General Nuestra Señora del Prado. Talavera de la Reina. España.
  • Carlos Fernández-Escobar Escuela Nacional de Sanidad, Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid. España.
  • Elena Ordaz-Castillo Escuela Nacional de Sanidad, Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid. España.
  • Miguel Ángel Royo-Bordonada Escuela Nacional de Sanidad, Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid. España.


Children, Mediterranean diet, Food habits, Nutrition, Kidmed


BACKGROUND // Unhealthy diet is the main contributor to childhood obesity. The aim of this study was to assess adherence to the mediterranean diet in a sample of adolescents and analyse adherence-related factors.
METHODS // Cross-sectional descriptive study (June-October 2020), in a non-probabilistic sample of 473 patients with Substance Use Disorder, from the 8 Addiction Care Centers (CAD) of the Madrid City Council. Their demographic, habits and health characteristics, IgM and IgG for SARS-CoV-2, previous PCR, presence of symptoms, contact with COVID-19 cases were described, and multivariate analysis was performed using binary logistic regression.
RESULTS // A total of 64.3% of participants displayed a medium level and 21.3% a high level of adherence to the mediterranean diet. High adherence was less frequent among teenage girls (17% [PR=0.63; p=0.02]), those whose mothers had not gone beyond primary school (16.3% [PR=0.58; p=0.07]), those who slept less than 8.5 h/day (16.8% [PR=0.54; p<0.01]), and those who used a mobile telephone for more than 2.6 hours per day (12.2% [PR=0.56; p=0.02]).
CONCLUSIONS // Adherence to the mediterranean diet is less than optimum in four out of five adolescents, and is lower in teenage girls whose mothers had not gone beyond primary school or who devote more time to mobile telephones and less time to sleeping. Our results highlight the importance of paying attention to sleeping habits and reducing the use of screens when seeking to improve mediterranean diet adherence among adolescents.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Rodríguez L, Fernández-Escobar C, Ordaz-Castillo E, Royo-Bordonada M Ángel. Adherence to mediterranean diet and its associated factors in adolescents from Madrid: e202210076. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 7 [cited 2024 Nov. 23];96:13 páginas. Available from:

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