Effects of cannabis use on attention and memory in adolescent population: a systematic review
Systematic review, Cannabis, Adolescent, Attention, MemoryAbstract
BACKGROUND // Cannabis is an illegal drug whose use has increased in recent years, especially among adolescents. Despite its popularity, its use and abuse brings with it health consequences, being greater if consumption occurs in the adolescent stage, since the brain is in full development. The objective of this systematic review was to determine the effects of cannabis use on cognitive functions of attention and memory in adolescent population.
METHODS // A systematic review of the literature was carried out in the main search portals (Pubmed, Web of Science, SciELO, Cochrane) referring to the last 10 years, following the PRISMA criteria. The systematic search strategy was carried out in the period from March to May 2021, applying the PICO method and the PEDro scale to guarantee the methodological quality of the included studies.
RESULTS // Both attention and memory are affected by cannabis use; however, memory functions improve with abstinence, not being so for attention. Memory deficits are an indicator of therapeutic abandonment of addiction treatment. In relation to psychosocial interventions aimed at improving memory, the contingency management, educational interventions and motivational interviewing have not been shown to be effective on the effects of substances. Working memory training offers positive results, although not clinically significant. Finally, memory deficits are an indicator of therapeutic abandonment of pharmacological treatment for cannabis addiction. Therefore, research is needed aimed both at reducing the side effects of drugs on memory processes and at establishing to what extent memory deficits associated with cannabis use can facilitate therapeutic abandonment.
CONCLUSIONS // More research is necessary, considering the dual consumption of cannabis-tobacco and the effects that both substances may have jointly and separately on attention and memory processe
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