Francisco Xavier Balmis (1753-1819) as member of the Royal Medical Academy of Madrid



  • José Tuells Departamento de Enfermería Comunitaria, Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia, Universidad de Alicante. Alicante. España. / Cátedra Balmis de Vacunología UA-ASISA. Alicante. España.


Francisco Xavier Balmis, Royal Philanthropic Vaccine Expedition, Royal Medical Academy of Madrid


Perhaps it is little known that the Director of the Royal Philanthropic Vaccine Expedition (1803-1813), Francisco Xavier Balmis (1753-1819) was part of the Royal Medical Academy of Madrid. He had obtained his appointment as Corresponding Academic in 1789, after having sent to the Academy a manuscript with a dissertation on leprosy . Balmis, an unrepentant traveler, was then in Mexico, a city where he worked as Chief Surgeon of the Royal Hospital of the Love of God and where in 1786 he had obtained the title of Bachelor of Arts from the University of Mexico. Years later, in 1798, he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Medicine from the University of Toledo, after which he began a new trip to the American continent, from which he would not return until two years later. There is no documentary evidence that Balmis received a bachelor's degree or doctor of medicine throughout his professional career.


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Balmis FJ. Disertación médico-chirurgica en que se describe la historia natural, diferencias, grados y curación de la lepra [manuscrito], [s. d., ca. 1790], 52 p., 22 cm. RANM: Sign. M-09-07-M-16-03.

Archivo Histórico Provincial de Toledo (AHPT). Universidad. Claustros Universitarios. Sig. I 434, fols. 91-93.

Tuells J, Echániz-Martínez B. Francisco Xavier Balmis (1753-1819): training and practice in emergency surgery. Emergencias. 2021;33(3):229-233.

Colon F; Trad. Piguillem F. Ensayos sobre la inoculación de la vacuna, ó método fácil, y seguro de preservarse para siempre de las viruelas. Barcelona: Sierra & Martí, 180.1

Moreau de la Sarthe JL. Traité historique et pratique de la vaccine. Paris: Bernard; an IX, in-8°. 1801.

Tuells J. El proceso de revisión a la traducción de Francisco Xavier Balmis del “Tratado histórico y práctico de la vacuna”, de Moreau de la Sarthe. Gac Sanit. 2012;26(4):372-375. doi:

Madrid, 30-11-1801. Carta de Francisco Xavier de Balmis a Ignacio Luzuriaga solicitando sea inoculada la hija de un amigo. [1] h. pleg., 21 cm. En: Papeles sobre la vacuna. Sign. G-17-02-G-18.

Tuells J, Duro-Torrijos JL. El viaje de la vacuna contra la viruela: una expedición, dos océanos, tres continentes y miles de niños. Gac Med Mex. 2015;151(3):416-425.

Archivo de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina. Actas 1816-1819, fols. 32-34.

Moore JC. The history and practice of vaccination. London: J Callow, 1817.



How to Cite

Tuells J. Francisco Xavier Balmis (1753-1819) as member of the Royal Medical Academy of Madrid: e202208061. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2022 Aug. 5 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];96:4 páginas. Available from:



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