Interactions between herbals medicines and drugs in chronic patients with complexity in Primary Care
Herbals medicines, Phytotherapy, Herbs-drug interactions, Chronic patient with complexity, Primary Health care.Abstract
Background: Taking medicinal herbs (MH) is frequent in patients and can cause interactions with others medications. Consumption of MH could be high in chronic patients with complexity (CPC) and produce interactions with drugs and knowledge about these drugs in primary health care (PC) professionals about these interactions is low. The aim was to measure the prevalence of potencial interactions between HM and drugs in CPC and evaluate the degree of knowledge of PC professionals.
Methods: Descriptive observational study in a population of CPC assigned to two PC teams. We investigated MH consumption through interviews and review potential drug interactions. We evaluated the degree of professionals knowledge through a survey designed for the study. A descriptive analysis was carried out. The Student-t test for paired data was used to compare the means.The statistical significance was established at p <0.05.
Results: The survey was distributed among 179 patients, mean age 76.9 years old (DE 9.7), 54.6% women. 62.57% (112) take MH. We detected 88 potentially relevant interactions in 51 patients (45.54%). Of the 219 professionals interviewed 51.1% consider that their knowledge about MH were low and 64,4% thought that was important to know the mH consumption of their patients.
Conclusions: We detected a high prevalence of MH consumption in CPC and interactions between herbs medicinal and drugs. Lack of knowledge of PC health professionals is important. It’s necessary to record this consumption in the medical history and improve the knowledge of professionals about MH to detect possible interactions, reduce the associated risk and improve the quality of care.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Elena Lázaro Romero, José Miranda Sánchez, Elena Zurilla Leonarte, Cristina Vedia Urgell, Mireia Massot Mesquida, Esther Serrano Serrano, Lídia Solanellas Colomer, Rosa Mª Martínez Luque, José Manuel Castillejo Medina, Elena Merino Domínguez, Gemma Seda Gombau, Pere Torán Monserrat
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