Results of 10 years of the Colorectal Cancer Prevention Program in the Valencian Community
Colorectal cancer, Cancer screening, Early cancer detection, National health programsAbstract
Background: The population-based Program for the Prevention of Colorectal Cancer (PPCRC) was implemented in 2005 in the Valencian Community, following the guidelines of the European Union. To achieve the desired effectiveness in these programs, it is necessary to achieve a series of requirements, assessable through the program indicators. The objective of this study was to analyze the evolution of the program indicators from 2006 to 2016.
Methods: The accumulated indicators for the period were calculated. The Poisson regression model was used to compare the indicators by age groups and sex, by type of screening, by type of fecal occult blood test (FOBT) and by year.
Results: The number of people invited to participate was 1,934,266. The participation rate was 44.4%, being 87.6% in the subsequent screening and 33.7% in the initial one, with men over 60 having the lowest participation figures. Except for the positive predictive value (PPV) for low risk adenomas, which was higher in a group of men aged 50 to 59 years of successive screening, the detection rates and PPV for the different types of lesions were higher in the initial screening, with immunological test and in the group of men over 60 years old. Throughout the period, there was a decrease in the test positivity rates and in the advanced adenomas and cancers detection rates.
Conclusions: The PPCCR reaches levels of quality for which the effectiveness of the program is demonstrated. However, the insufficient participation of some population groups highlights the need to carry out studies to achieve the desired objectives in all population groups and thus result in greater effectiveness of the program.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2021 María Besó Delgado, Josefa Ibáñez Cabanell, Elena Pérez Sanz, Mª José Valverde Roig, Carmen Fernández García, Mercedes Vanaclocha Espí, Ana Molina-Barceló, Dolores Salas Trejo, Grupo de Trabajo del Programa de Prevención de Cáncer Colorrectal de la Comunitat Valenciana
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