Baseline characteristics and quality of life in patients with Diabetes Mellitus included in the EIRA randomized clinical trial
Health promotion, Diabetes mellitus, Quality of life, Exercise, Mediterranean diet, Tobacco use disorderAbstract
Background: The EIRA study is a randomized clinical multicenter trial that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex multi-risk intervention aimed at people aged 45-75 in Primary Care. The objectives of this work were to describe the baseline characteristics of patients with Diabetes Mellitus included in phase III of the EIRA study and analyze the relationship that different independent variables may have with the quality of life.
Methods: The data of all patients with Diabetes Mellitus that were included in phase III of EIRA study collected at baseline were analyzed. Patients with at least two or more of unhealthy lifestyles were selected: smoking, low adherence to the Mediterranean diet and/or low level of physical activity. The quality of life was measured with the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire. A descriptive and bivariate study was performed. The variables did not follow a normal distribution. Non-parametric statistical tests were used. For the multivariate analysis of the quality of life, automated linear regression was used with SPSS v19.
Results: 694 were patients included with Diabetes Mellitus (356 controls, 338 in intervention, without significant differences between both groups). Control: 37.64% women, age (median) 60 years. Intervention: 37.87% women, age (median) 60 years. Most prevalent risk behaviors in descending order: low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, low level of physical activity and smoking. The variables that significantly influenced quality of life were: GAD-7, work activity, HbA1c and CIDI.
Conclusions: There are no significant differences motivated by the study design. The influence of mental health on the EQ-5D-5L is remarkable.
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