The role of Public Health as a key to the success of the neonatal screening program in the Basque Country



  • Mercedes Espada Sáenz-Torre Experta en cribado neonatal. Experta asesora de la Ponencia de cribado poblacional de la Dirección General de Salud Pública del Ministerio de Sanidad. Miembro del Consejo Asesor de Cribado Neonatal de Enfermedades Congénitas del Departamento de Salud del Gobierno Vasco. España.
  • Enrique Peiró Callizo Jefe del Servicio de Coordinación de Programas de Salud Pública y de Seguridad del Paciente. Osakidetza-Servicio Vasco de Salud. Miembro del Consejo Asesor de Cribado Neonatal de Enfermedades Congénitas del Departamento de Salud del Gobierno Vasco. España.
  • Iñaki Eguileor Gurtubai Experto en evaluación de la calidad del cribado neonatal. Experto asesor de la Ponencia de cribado poblacional de la Dirección General de Salud Pública del Ministerio de Sanidad. España.


Neonatal Screening, Public Health, Early detection, Basque Country


Neonatal Screening Programs (PCN) have widely demonstrated their benefits since Dr. Guthrie published his developments on Phenylketonuria (PKU) in 1961.
This paper describes how a simple and effective organization, which incorporates all the fundamental actors under the responsibility of the Public Health Directorate (DSP), has managed to ensure that the PCN of the Basque Country meets all the objectives required for a population screening.
The acceptance by Basque society of the PCN allowed it to exceed 95% coverage in its second year of operation. Likewise, the limited negative social impact of PCN is evidenced by its low number of false positives and incorrect samples. Excellent response times allow every newborn with a positive result to have an early diagnosis and optimal initiation of treatment.
There are two relevant experiences that support the importance of the effective exercise of the responsibility of the DSP.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) was incorporated into the PCN in 1991 meeting all technical and clinical criteria. At the request of the experts, the DSP ordered in 1993 to cease this activity showing that it did not provide the expected benefits.
The problems of organically integrating the PCN into the healthcare system were also experienced. The need to compete for resources put public health activities, including the PCN, at risk and led to their return to direct dependence on the DSP.
The availability of this structure, in addition to facilitating the incorporation of other screenings, allows facing the future challenges.


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How to Cite

Espada Sáenz-Torre M, Peiró Callizo E, Eguileor Gurtubai I. The role of Public Health as a key to the success of the neonatal screening program in the Basque Country: e202012175. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 16 [cited 2024 Oct. 4];94:16 páginas. Available from:

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