Bolsitas de nicotina (“snus blanco”), otro escollo frente al control del tabaquismo que conviene conocer y abordar




Tabaco, Nicotina, Snus, Tabaco sin humo, Nitrosaminas, Políticas de tabaco, Prevención y control, Ciencias del comportamiento, Comunicación persuasiva


The possible spread of the use of nicotine pouches (NP) in Spain is a cause for concern, as the global market for these products is growing significantly. Unlike pharmaceutical specialties containing nicotine, NP contain contaminants such as nitrosamines that pose an additional risk to the already known addictive and cardiovascular effects of nicotine. The tobacco multinationals that market the most widely used NP use behavioural and persuasive communication strategies to promote their consumption, taking advantage of the absence of regulations governing these products. Until new regulations are developed, it is important to develop information campaigns and preventive activities based on behavioural sciences and to make the risks of these new products known to professionals and users of the health system.  


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How to Cite

Suelves Joanxich JM, Valverde A, Armayones M. Bolsitas de nicotina (“snus blanco”), otro escollo frente al control del tabaquismo que conviene conocer y abordar : e202501004. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];99(1):4 páginas. Available from:



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