Cluster analysis in the definition of profiles of elderly people with dependency in Palma de Mallorca: relationship between health, social support and dependency



  • Lluc Nevot-Caldentey Grupo de Investigación y Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES). Laboratorio de Investigación sobre Familia y Modalidades de Convivencia (LIFAC). Departamento de Pedagogía y Didácticas Específicas. Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). Palma de Mallorca. España.
  • Carmen Orte Socías Grupo de Investigación y Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES). Laboratorio de Investigación sobre Familia y Modalidades de Convivencia (LIFAC). Departamento de Pedagogía y Didácticas Específicas. Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). Palma de Mallorca. España.
  • Lluís Ballester Brage Grupo de Investigación y Formación Educativa y Social (GIFES). Laboratorio de Investigación sobre Familia y Modalidades de Convivencia (LIFAC). Departamento de Pedagogía y Didácticas Específicas. Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). Palma de Mallorca. España.


Health, Autonomy, Social support, Social needs, Evidence-based prevention


Background: In Spain, the resources of the System for Autonomy and Attention to Dependency (SAAD) for the elderly are directed to intervene on dependency situations. They focus attention exclusively on physical and cognitive effects while the evidence and the main national and international entities indicate the need to establish measures to promote autonomy and prevent dependence.
Methods: Descriptive observational study, conducted on a sample of n=279 people benefiting from the Economic Benefit for Care in the Family Environment (PECEF) in Palma de Mallorca: n=178 people between 55 and 85 years (<75, n=69.06; ≥75, n=108.97) in a situation of dependency and 101 caregivers. The objective of the study was to define the socio-demographic, health, social support and dependency variables, as well as those related to the caregiver-dependent interaction to define the profile of people with dependence and to identify if the Spanish Dependency Assessment Scale defines the Degrees of Dependency objectively according to the variables that affect it.
Results: The “Group with high dependency” contained 57 beneficiaries (32.84% sample). With low disposition of affective support and high of material support, it showed a low assessment of his state of health. The “Medium dependency group” defined 86 beneficiaries (49.71% sample). It was characterized by achieving medium / medium-high scores on variables which indicate the need for improvements in certain health areas. The “Low Dependency Group” defined 30 beneficiaries (17.34% sample). It obtained low levels in the scores of social support and perception of health.
Conclusions: From the cluster analysis performed using SPSS 25.0, 3 groups were defined; a group with high dependence, one with medium dependence and one with low dependence. Certain social and family factors show a statistically significant influence (p≤≠0.05) on dependency situations that mark possible intervention proposals.


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2020-07-02 — Updated on 2020-07-02


How to Cite

Nevot-Caldentey L, Orte Socías C, Ballester Brage L. Cluster analysis in the definition of profiles of elderly people with dependency in Palma de Mallorca: relationship between health, social support and dependency: e202007040. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 2 [cited 2024 Nov. 23];94:11 páginas. Available from: