Cross-sectional study on sleep habits and new technologies use in high school students



  • Sonia Almodóvar Fuentes Servicio de Neumología, Hospital La Mancha Centro. Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real). España.
  • Estefanía Castellanos Otero Enfermera docente, Instituto de Educación Secundaria Juan Bosco. Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real). España.
  • Eugenia Núñez Lara Servicio de Neumología, Hospital La Mancha Centro. Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real). España.
  • Ángel Arias Unidad de apoyo a la investigación, Hospital La Mancha Centro. Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real). España.
  • Antonio Tejera-Muñoz Unidad de apoyo a la investigación, Hospital La Mancha Centro. Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real). España. / Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Madrid España.


Sleep quality, Human, ICT, Students


BACKGROUND // During lasts years, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have boomed up, as well as their related- harmful behaviours. Parallel, time and quality of sleep has reduced along current society, which implies negatively in health in medium and long-terms. The present study aims to evaluate the association between lifestyle habits and quality of sleep of a subpopulation of young students.
METHODS // An observational transversal study has been performed in Certificate of Medium and Higher Education from a High school of Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real, Spain), who filled up a survey related to their lifestyle habits and the use of ICTs. Furthermore, the survey also included several variables related to quality of sleep by using Pittsburgh test. Bivariate comparisons using student test or Mann-Whitney U test, or Chi-square or exact test depending on the variable were performed. Afterwards, logistic regression was also done.
RESULTS // The study sample were 286 students (43.4% women) were included being 22.2±7.3 years old on average. 99.7% of them owned mobile phone, using it 42 hours per week. Average total score of Pittsburgh test was 6.4±3.5, being higher in women (7.36±3.8) than in men (5.62±3.1). Moreover, 51.7% of surveyed students suffered from sleep disorders, being associated to several risk factors, such us using mobile phone while lying and without light (OR=2.04; CI95% [1.12-3.73]), using mobile phone in the middle of the night (OR=1.9; CI95% [1.06-3.42]) and drinking and smoking (OR=2.28; CI95% [1.14-4.55]). On the other hand, practising sports was defined as protector factor (OR=0.43; CI95% [0.26-0.72]).
CONCLUSIONS // More than half of surveyed suffer from sleep disorders, mainly derived from the inadequate use of ICTs, showing differences between genders.


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How to Cite

Almodóvar Fuentes S, Castellanos Otero E, Núñez Lara E, Arias Ángel, Tejera-Muñoz A. Cross-sectional study on sleep habits and new technologies use in high school students: e202304027. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 3 [cited 2024 Jun. 1];97:14 páginas. Available from:





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