The perspective of caregivers from a gender analysis



  • Ángela Sanjuán-Quiles Departamento de Enfermería; Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Universidad de Alicante. Alicante. España.
  • María del Mar Alcañiz-Garrán Escuela de Enfermería La Fe; Universidad de Valencia. / Grupo de investigación en Arte y Ciencia en Cuidados; Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe (IISLAFE). Valencia. España.
  • Raimunda Montejano-Lozoya Escuela de Enfermería La Fe; Universidad de Valencia. / Grupo de investigación en Arte y Ciencia en Cuidados; Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe (IISLAFE). Valencia. España.
  • Juan Diego Ramos-Pichardo Departamento de Enfermería; Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Universidad de Huelva. Huelva. España.
  • Sofía García-Sanjuán Departamento de Enfermería; Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud; Universidad de Alicante. Alicante. España.


Gender, Family, Caregivers, Aged, Dependence, Qualitative research


BACKGROUND // Gender influences the provision of family caregiving, identifying inequalities in the distribution of care-related tasks. The aim of this study was to analyze the gender influence in family caregiving, provided by elderly while, identifying the sociodemographic characteristics of caregivers.
METHODS // Mixed, descriptive and phenomenological study was made. Eight women and five men aged seventy and over participated who cared for dependent people at home, selected by intentional sampling in Valencia. The analysis of the in-depth interviews was carried out in three stages: reading to the participants of the transcripts for their verification; discrimination of units of meaning; eidetic and phenomenological reduction to obtain the statements of meaning. Frequencies and percentages were calculated.
RESULTS // The mean age, educational level and years dedicated to care were higher in caregivers. Caregivers had a greater burden related to caregiving. Three categories influenced by androcentric culture were idenfied: vital perspective; reasons that support care; coping strategies. 90% of female caregivers cared out of moral obligation, compassion, reciprocity, and love; and 80% of male caregivers by responsibility and reciprocity, obtaining a satisfactory achievement and learning. Both developed resilience skills, reaching higher levels of adaptation. Male caregivers used more protective coping mechanisms and 50% of female caregivers obtained the most comforting support from religion.
CONCLUSIONS // Gender determines the meaning given to the experience of caring. The reasons and coping strategies in men and women are different.


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How to Cite

Sanjuán-Quiles Ángela, Alcañiz-Garrán M del M, Montejano-Lozoya R, Ramos-Pichardo JD, García-Sanjuán S. The perspective of caregivers from a gender analysis: e202307062. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 7 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];97:15 páginas. Available from:

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