Challenges in teaching first aids at schools: analysis of spanish educational legislation (LOMLOE) and curricular guidance



  • Roberto Barcala-Furelos REMOSS Research Group; Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y el Deporte; Universidade de Vigo. A Xunqueira (Pontevedra). España.
  • Lucía Peixoto-Pino Facultade de CC. da Educación; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Santiago de Compostela. España. / CLINURSID Grupo de Investigación; Escuela de Enfermería; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Santiago de Compostela. España.
  • Julio Zanfaño-Ongil Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Augustóbriga. Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Extremadura. Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres). España.
  • Santiago Martínez-Isasi CLINURSID Grupo de Investigación; Escuela de Enfermería; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Santiago de Compostela. España. / Facultade de Enfermería; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Santiago de Compostela. España.


First Aid, Educational legislation, School curriculum, CPR, Teacher training, Teachers, School nursing, Stroke, Heimlich


BACKGROUND // Teaching first aid (FA) to children and young people is a priority strategy in Public Health. The aim of this paper was to review and analyze new educational legislation within the FA curriculum framework, which is necessary for providing teachers and healthcare professionals with a practical guide that guides teaching to train first responders in different school stages.
METHODS // A group of four experts with curricular experience at different educational levels, as well as in the field of FA, participated in this analysis. The methodology involved a consensus analysis approach on the content of the spanish Royal Decrees (RD) for Primary Education (RD 157/2022), Secondary Education (RD 217/2022), and Baccalaureate (RD 243/2022) that develop the curriculum of the Organic Law 3/2020 (LOMLOE).
RESULTS // In the analysis of the three RD, ten general concepts were identified: accident prevention; protocol Protect, Alert, Assist (PAS); 1-1-2 protocol; recovery position (PLS); cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); automated external or semi-automatic defibrillator (AED); foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO); FA; transportation of the injured; and stroke. Throughout all educational stages, in twenty-seven instances appeared content explicitly related to accident prevention or the learning of FA.
CONCLUSIONS // The current curriculum provides FA content from the age of eight-nine (3rd year of Primary Education). By the end of compulsory education, all students should be able to identify cardiac arrest, alert emergency services, initiate resuscitation maneuvers, use the defibrillator, and know how to respond to choking incidents.


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How to Cite

Barcala-Furelos R, Peixoto-Pino L, Zanfaño-Ongil J, Martínez-Isasi S. Challenges in teaching first aids at schools: analysis of spanish educational legislation (LOMLOE) and curricular guidance: e202402013. Rev Esp Salud Pública [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 23 [cited 2024 May 20];98:12 páginas. Available from:



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