Discrimination and its relationship with risk behaviors and perceived health in spanish university students: a cross-sectional study
Social discrimination, Health risk Behaviors, Health, University students, Prevalence, Health survey, Social epidemiologyAbstract
Background: Discrimination during vital moments, such as the university period, can generate a high impact on people’s behavior and health. The aim of this study was to analyze the possible association of discrimination with perceived health and with different risk behaviors, as well as to describe gender differences in Spanish university students. Discrimination during vital moments, such as college, can have a high impact on people’s behavior and health.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with data from first-year university students from 11 Spanish universities (n=9,862). Discrimination, perceived health, alcohol consumption, smoking, consumption of illegal substances, leisure time connected to the Internet, risky sexual relations, family function, risk of mental health problems and risk of eating disorders were assessed. Prevalences with their 95% confidence intervals were obtained and for quantitative variables the mean and standard deviation were calculated. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated to determine the relationship between discrimination and the other variables.
Results: An association was found between discrimination and fair or poor perceived health (OR: 1.7; p=0.0001), consumption of illegal substances (OR: 1.3; p=0.002), problematic internet use (OR: 1.3; p=0.004), family dysfunction (OR: 1.8; p=0.0001), risk of mental health problems (OR: 1.9; p=0.0001) and eating disorders (OR: 1.5; p=0.0001). Regarding gender differences, higher prevalence of discrimination was observed in men with health status perceived as fair or worse (OR: 2.2; p=0.0001), family dysfunction (OR: 1.8; p=0.0001), risk of mental health problems (OR: 2.2; p=0.0001) and eating disorders (OR: 1.9; p=0.002). Women, apart from the previous variables, presented association of discrimination with consumption of illegal substances (OR: 1.3; p=0.005) and problematic internet use (OR: 1.4; p=0.002).
Conclusions: The study findings underline that there is an association between discrimination and risk behaviors among Spanish university students. In turn, discrimination was associated with poor or fair perceived health, this relationship being similar in both men and women.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Héctor Sánchez-Herrero, Carmen Amezcua-Prieto, María Morales-Suárez-Varela, Carlos Ayán-Pérez, Ramona Mateos-Campos, Antonio José Molina, Rocío Ortiz-Moncada, Ana Almaraz-Gómez, Juan Alguacil, Miguel Delgado-Rodríguez, Gemma Blázquez Abellán, Jessica Alonso-Molero, Virginia Martínez-Ruiz, Isabel Peraita-Costa, José María Cancela-Carral, Luis Félix Valero-Juan, Sandra Martín-Peláez, Tania Fernández-Villa
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